The account of Landsknecht Gordo Leichbart
before Balthasar Zuchav, Earl of Lukovitch on his return from a
skirmish against the new Incursion of orcs lead by Skuzbag the Slow.
B: Where are you men Landsknecht, and what happened to the glorious skill of the Landsknechte
of The Open Plain
G: Well sir the orc inc....
B: No excuses now Landsknecht
we hired you to collect information on the new incursion of Skuzbag the Slow,
and the handsome amount that we are willing to pay will be more than enough for
you to recoup your losses if it is as thorough as I am to believe..... It is
very thorough is it not?
G: Yes sir
B: Carry on then.
G: Well sir we scouted the area around
Mount Bloodhorn and caught sight of Vorbash and his Boar riders but they were
far off and hunting down caravans so we journeyed on...
B: Go on
G: Well, after several days march
through the mountains we caught sight of a wyvern scouting us, we assume with
Bishnak on top, so we prepared for a battle. but nothing eventuated, we
continued on until we found a Black Orc with a pet snotling smashing his axe
into the side of the mountain. By our information this would be Skuzbag the
Slow. We were hesitant to approach, suspecting a trap and just as we had
prepared our weapons, the Skuzbag let out a horrific war cry...
G: Well the mountain erupted with
Orcs and Goblins of all kinds, a group of black orcs swarmed to Skuzbag and
hundreds of snotlings charged in front. Two savage orc shamans were seen
chanting in a frenzied state and a group of orc BigUns with spear and shield
charged into view. We held our ground but the orcs seemed happy to wait for us.
As our group easily outnumbered them I called for a charge to destroy them. As
we got closer the black orcs counter charged us with Skuzbag smashing through
our ranks with the force of a steam tank. We were holding our own and gaining
ground when I took a breath to marvel in the glories of Sigmar. But in the sky
was not a vision of holiness but of a wyvern and two giant green hands holding
a handful of squirming orcs and goblins. These handfuls were placed behind our
ranks and fear gripped some of our units as screaming fanatics with a
distinct style smashed through our
ranks. Our canoneers who had shot several shells into the black orcs to minimal
effect then sought to have a last ditch effort at Bishnak on the wyvern before
they were overrun by a group of spider riders.... I think I forgot to mention
B: No this is fine, your
information is being extremely useful.
G: Oh, well this isn't even the
interesting part, They got a straight shot off, a direct hit, I could have
sworn that the ball was going right for him, but at the last second the ball
disappeared in a puff of green smoke. On the horizon, I could see a massive
Araknarok Spider and a green giant ambling towards us and I knew we should make
a tactical withdrawal.
G: Well we cut through the enemy lines that barred our
retreat slaying all that stood in our path with the biguns and black orcs
taunting us as we fled. They did not lay a dedicated chase though and we
thought our withdrawal successful. But before we had run a mile a huge dust
storm clouded the horizon and I struggled to control my troops as the gutless
weaklings broke rank. When I had called them back under control I called for my
horsemen to make an escape and give a report of the battle while we made a
distraction. A group of savage orcs flanked them in the dust and I saw several
fine knights fall. I had given up on making a withdrawal and decided that my
salvation would come through the blood of my enemies and my troop stood fast
and met the enemy with passion and valour.
B: This story has come to an interesting conclusion, how
are you here today if your troop made a valiant last stand I hope you will not
presume to tell me that you singlehandedly destroy an entire orc war band.
G: Unfortunately no... I was captured and forced to watch
as the green horde performed unimaginable acts of horror on my men. I saw boar
riders pull my captains apart and orc archers pepper the injured with arrows. I
saw snotlings feed mushrooms to my men, mushrooms that turned them green AND
MADE THEIR GUTS EXPLODE FROM WITHIN....... @##&*&@#&* @#&@#$&* *&@#& .......I'm sorry sir I will
contain my anger
G: Well the Black orc war boss stood before me and
confirmed our suspicions that they had congregated together in an effort to control
the flying fastness, but he also corrected some of our previous information
showing them to be greatly underestimated.....
It turns out the both Skuzbag and Vogash had been black orcs in
Grimgor's immortals but they had been left behind when a cavern had collapsed
on them. There was quite an argument between the orcs over this, it seems that
Skuzbag thought that it was the rocks who were attacking him and Vorbash
thought it was the dwarves who had sabotaged the tunnel. Oh and Skuzbag's title
is not the slow but rather the... Ahem... Skuzbag RokSmasha Da Destroya O RokFings... heh, and Vorbash is.... Vorbash FaceMuncha Da Fasterer ..., which he explains, is
because he is faster than the flying fastness. I was also privy to information
concerning Bishnak ..... Bishnak Skypuncha Da Circus Masta... it
seems that he is an orc who has taken a fondness to collecting various
different creatures which is shown by the mottled nature of his army, the
Araknorok and the giant are his it seems, though Skuzbag said that they were
going to borrow them a bit.
G: I also collected some information concerning the
captains. Rakrak NoseBittah
leads a group of savage orc boar riders with dual weapons for Vorbash.
It was these orcs who slew my knights. Badzag GutStabba is the captain of Skuzbag's Big Uns all armed with spear
and shields. I believe there to be a special group of fanatics but as the goblins are very
secretive about them I was unable to find out anything more, I also heard some
squigs but they might have just been for food.
B: well this information has been wonderfully precise and I
thank you for offering your life and the lives of your men for the benefit of
the empire, you will be sufficiently rewarded for your trouble and I can
replenish the core of your mercenary troops from my reserves. Once again thank
you for your service.
Here ends the account of the meeting between Landsknecht Gordo
Leichbart before Balthasar Zuchav,
Earl of Lukovitch
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